Update on Route 35 Reconstruction & Traffic Flow Patterns

Update on Route 35 Reconstruction & Traffic Flow Patterns

This past Wednesday, a full-time resident of Ocean Beach Unit II attended the Lavallette Business Association’s (www.lavallettebusiness.com) monthly meeting.  The focus of this meeting was to discuss the Route 35 reconstruction process and how it will affect businesses in the area.

A representative of the construction company responsible for the Mantoloking Shores to Ortley Beach portion of the project was present at the meeting.  While numerous questions were posed, some of the most notable points include:

  • This project will be ongoing for two years, however will cease for the summer season.
  • Beginning in two weeks, Route 35 North will also be sectioned off to allow only one lane of traffic (in the shoulder), similar to how Route 35 South is currently set up.
  • The purpose of this project is to replace existing drainage and to install new drainage.  Much of the existing drainage is old and rotted, which contributes to the constant flooding during light rain storms and high tides.
  • New gravity-controlled check-valves will be installed to limit the amount of water that seeps back into the drainage system.  Many of the current valves that lead into the bay have either broken check-valves or no check-valves at all.
  • Utility lines (water & gas) will be replaced in some areas as the roads are dug up.  This will cause a temporary pause in service for several hours when the construction reaches your immediate area.  Utility companies should be contacting residents prior to this pause in service.
  • Several new detours have been set up around the Barrier Island and may change frequently.  Please give yourself ample amount of time when trying to or from the Island, in order to compensate for the abnormal traffic flow.
  • Since the driving lane of Route 35 will hug directly against the side streets, with no shoulder, please be very cautious when approaching the end of your street.  Drivers on Route 35 North & South will not be able to see you, nor you them, until you reach the edge of the street.

While the next two years will most certainly be difficult, the reconstruction of Route 35 is absolutely necessary for our area and has been requested for years.  Please use the utmost caution when traveling through the area.

If you are concerned about a particular intersection or detour being unsafe, please contact the NJ DOT directly.  The contractors on duty have no say in how the traffic patterns are designed.  They take their orders from the DOT.

We will continue to keep you updated as best as we can, especially when the actual road construction begins in our area.

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