As Spring is beginning, let us have the hope that we will get through this very stressful, uncertain time and all of you are safe and well.
As you might expect, there has been quite a bit of uncertainty around events in our community as of late. We hope that this update helps to bring a bit of clarity.
We regret to inform you that the 2020 Easter Egg Hunt has been cancelled. We know that this event is an important part of the Spring for many of our families and look forward to welcoming the event back next season.
By now, most of you have received the postcard for our 38th Annual Memorial Weekend Picnic. We know some of you felt we were negligent in sending this out and should not have done so.
Please understand we are in no way being negligent and are taking the COVID-19 Virus very seriously. Our postcard gets mailed from an outside vendor and was sent out Mid-March, prior to any executive stay-at-home orders being issued.
At this time, the Memorial Weekend Picnic is still tentatively on our schedule. We will make a final determination on the event at the end of April and inform you all of our decision once we have more clarity from the state government.
For the latest updates, please continue to check our website at, and our Facebook. Please continue to stay safe, healthy and positive!