Even after a successful mini-workday a few weeks ago, there is still plenty more that needs to be done to have our community in working condition for the Summer of 2013!
We could use your help! Please consider attending.
DATE: Saturday, May 11, 2013 (Rain date May 18th)
TIME: 9:00 AM
PLACE: Meet near the gazebo/bay beach area
Below is a preliminary list of tasks that need to be completed:
- Cut the grass
- Pick up debris along railroad way
- Walk the streets and pick up nails, screws, glass, debris, etc.
- Paint the equipment in the playground
- Fix some equipment in the playground (John Sorber)
- Paint all benches (bay point, bay beach, playground)
- Clean the tables with clorox and water
- Paint/tidy up all signs
- Paint the poles of the street signs
- Make lifeguard equipment boxes
- Erect signs
- Test refrigerator and clean refrigerator
- Organize the badges (Marge and Dina)
- Prepare lunch (Donna)
- Complete the mailing process – include golf info
- Work on envelopes that can be saved
- Clean up the area near the bushes at the bayside
- Install the memorial plaques (Stan)
- Inspect the docks for loose boards – do repairs
- Finish the dune fence (Joe Koby)
- Pull weeds around the clubhouse, playground, and marina parking lots
- Rake the sand in the dune
- Fix the marina fence on mallard lane
- Work on the bay front planters
- Clean the storage pen
- Sanitize the garbage pails and paint the bike racks
- Fix the bike rack fences on Ocean Road and East Dune Way
- Clean the walkways
- Work on the gazebo (The Bogdan Family)
- Clean up the bay beach
- Paint the lifeguard stands
- Take pictures – provide water to workers
- Keep a sign-in log