New Photos Added to OB II Photo Album – Added 11/8/12

New Photos Added to OB II Photo Album – Added 11/8/12

During the bus tour with the chief of police last Sunday, I was able to take a bunch of pictures of the island.  The pictures cover the north side of Seaside, heading north through OB III, and then heading down Rt 35 South through Ortley.  The pictures were taken with an iPad on a bouncing school bus, so some are a bit blurry.  I could only take pictures from the right side of the bus, so both sides of the highway are not covered.  OB II is covered in this album, so you’ll need to scroll through these photos.

Click on “Picture Gallery” above, and then select the 2012 tab at the top.

Or, click here to go right to the slide show of the hurricane photos.  Once viewing the slide show, use the controls above the pictures to move back, forward, or pause the slide show.

If you see a friend’s or neighbor’s home, please tell them that the pictures are here.

Dean Hansen



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