Latest News – As of 11/3/12

Latest News – As of 11/3/12

We heard some very sobering news today, which changes everything.

First, the island has been labeled as uninhabitable.  The gas main was shut down from Mantaloking to Seaside, and all gas purged from the pipes.  Water service has also been shut down.  The sewer system is so damaged that it cannot be used at this point.  Electric service will not be restored for some time, as the focus is on the mainland.

Martial law was implemented on the island, and all people are being forceably removed.  Anyone left behind was given just minutes to pack some bags and were transported off the island.  Boats have been coming over from the mainland and mooring in OB II and other areas.  People have been roaming around, so looting is possible.  The state police and the Coast Guard are now patrolling the waterways to ensure no one gains access via the water.

With the combination of the utility issues and the massive amount of debris and cleanup, it was reported that residents may not be able to return for months.  Recognizing that all utilities are down, and the sewer system has been compromised, the island is not liveable at all.  We were previously told that a return was possible, at the earliest, on Monday.  After assessing the totality of the situation, the police chiefs and townships have determined that it’s best to keep everyone off the island for a while.

We will have more information on Monday.  If you had plans on returning to the area next week, cancel them and wait for a future notice.


Email received from Councilwoman Maria Maruca on 11/3/12

Township officials have been working to make sure to evacuate any remaining residents on the barrier island. This has taken place. The state police working in conjunction  with our police department has secured the barrier island from having people enter by land and by water.

All utility companies are accessing the barrier island to shut off all utilities. There is no water, electric, gas and sewerage system on the barrier islands.

We are providing shelters for the displaced residents at High Shcool North, High Shcool East and Intermediate East. for the short term. We are working with FEMA on the long term housing needs.

A FEMA office has opened in Brick and one will be opening in Toms River in a day or two. All residents from the barrier island should register with FEMA at or call 800-621-3362.

The state police and local police chiefs are establishing a protocol for resident to get back on the barrier island to retrieve personal items. Once this protocol has been established we will be getting the word out to residents through our website and the media both local and state wide.

We are working with JCP&L to get power restored to the remaining areas in Toms River. Hopefully this will happen by sometime next week.
The situation is changing on a daily basis, I have had limited to power and email capabilities.

The best way to get information is to go to the township’s web site

We will work together to get through this most difficult time.


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