House Raising Assistance – Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC)

House Raising Assistance – Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC)

For those homeowners with flood insurance, you may receive money to help offset the cost of raising your home if it was flooded. If your policy contains an ICC clause, or Increased Cost of Coverage, here is some important information that you will need to submit your claim.

If the damage to the home exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the structure, there is a standard letter that FEMA and your insurance carrier need from the township.

Anyone who is considering putting in a claim under the ICC clause, and thinks that they may want to raise their home above the base flood elevation, should email or visit Bob Chankalian at Toms River Township with a copy of an estimate by a contractor to repair the current flood damage only. Bob will compare the estimate to the assessed value, and if it is over 50% of the assessed value, which all have been so far, Bob will email the required FEMA ICC letter to you usually within a day.

The ICC letter basically means that it is in FEMA’s best interest to pay to raise the home since the current damage and future damage will probably cost more than the cost of raising the structure. One of our members is receiving a $20,000 FEMA grant for raising their home.

Contact Bob Chankalian, township engineer, by using the following:

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 732-341-1000 x8335

Bob Chankalian
Township Engineer
33 Washington Street
Toms River, New Jersey 08753

Office Hours: M-F, 8:30am – 4:30pm

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