Storm Damage Information – 10/31/12

Storm Damage Information – 10/31/12

Due to the widespread power outages, we have been unable to post information on this site.  This is the first time that we had the opportunity to update you on the current state of our community.

Through various news reports, and a few photos of our area, the damage to OB II is quite devastating.  A picture of Rt 35 South near S. Lagoon shows flooding 4′ deep in that area.  The flooding travels completely up the middle section, and heads to the beach blocks.  Flooding west of Rt 35 North went from 2′ deep up to 4-6′ at the bay.  It has been reported from a homeowner in OB III that all homes on the ground from the middle section to the bay have been heavily damaged by flood waters.  The beach blocks fared better, with the exception of the beach front homes.  The extent of damage of the beach block homes is unknown at this point.

All access to the barrier island has been blocked until further notice.  The eastern end of the Mantaloking bridge and the portion of Rt 35 that it connects to is completely washed out.  The only access to our area is via the Rt 37 bridge.  If you are planning to visit the area, please wait until you receive notice via this website or the news.

Be prepared for massive damage throughout the island, unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.  Some houses on the island have floated away, some have been shifted onto the highways, and even a few in the bay.  It is unclear how raised homes in our community have fared.

As we prepare for the cleanup process, and then the rebuilding phase, we ask for your patience as we process improvement applications.  We will process applications as quickly as possible, but please understand that due to the magnitude of the damage, we will need extra time to handle the sudden influx of requests.  We will work closely with the Toms River Township Building Dept to process permit requests as quickly as possible.  Please expect very lengthy delays, as they will be handling thousands of requests from throughout the township.  You should expect it to take a few months to get all approvals to rebuild your home.

We will post FEMA assistance information as soon as we receive it.  FEMA disaster recovery offices will be established in the area with representatives to handle your questions and process requests for federal assistance.  You can contact FEMA at 1-800-621-FEMA, or via  Contact them as soon as possible to get the process started, and get your claim registered.

Regarding damage to your home, we strongly advise that you take photos of the inside and outside of your home, and prepare an inventory list of the contents BEFORE attempting any cleanup or reconstruction.  Contact your insurance agent as soon as your house is accessible.  Please review the Club’s building restrictions in the Rules & Regulations as you plan any rebuilding project.  This will ensure that your project is in compliance with the restrictions, and will save you time and money from having to correct any non-conforming issues.

This is a time when we all need to come together and help each other out.  Please check on your neighbor’s property and contact them with an update.  As members return to the community, please lend a hand as much as possible.  We will get through this very difficult time, and it will be a much easier process if we all band together as neighbors and friends.

The following picture was taken from S. Lagoon looking east, across Rt 35 South.


This site will be updated regularly as we obtain internet access.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.





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