Last weekend, OBYC held a “Dancing Through the Decades” Dinner Dance! Guests enjoyed great food, memorable music, and had plenty…
OBYC Members – Last week, Ocean Beach & Yacht Club sent a mailing out to all homeowners regarding the upcoming…
Over the weekend, our OBYC Lifeguards participated in what would be the final tournament of the season, right next door…
This past Saturday night, our Ocean Beach & Yacht Club Lifeguards joined 8 other teams for the Annual Ocean Beach…
In one of the most anticipated events of the summer for our community, the “Pat Daley Classic” Lifeguard Tournament was…
The Ocean Beach 2 IRONGUARD Tournament took place this past Wednesday night and saw among one of the highest attended…
This past Saturday night, the OBYC Lifeguards enlisted two teams in the Ocean Beach Shores tournament. Nine teams participated in…
Pursuant to the By-laws of Ocean Beach & Yacht Club (Article III, Section 1-F), at the Annual Meeting in September,…
The first lifeguard tournament was held Saturday Night at Normandy Beach. Eight teams participated in six events. Our…